Cultural Comment Politics

Our Future in Poetry – Gina Rinehart

Today’s blog is dedicated to our newest poet, Gina Rinehart, who has produced a protest poem, Our Future. It was put on a plaque and set in stone.  Here is the poem:

Our Future

The globe is sadly groaning with debt, poverty and strife
And billions now are pleading to enjoy a better life
Their hope lies with resources buried deep within the earth
And the enterprise and capital which give each project worth
Is our future threatened with massive debts run up by political hacks
Who dig themselves out by unleashing rampant tax
The end result is sending Australian investment, growth and jobs offshore
This type of direction is harmful to our core
Some envious unthinking people have been conned
To think properity is created by waving a magic wand
Through such unfortunate ignorance, too much abuse is hurled
Against miners, workers and related industries who strive to build the world
Develop North Australia, embrace multiculturalism and welcome short term foreign workers to our shores
To benefit from the export of our minerals and ores
The world’s poor need our resources: do not leave them to their fate
Our nation needs special economic zones and wiser government, before it is too late.

Here is the stone

And here is the video version.

As her favourite commentator, Andrew Bolt would say, this material arrives without comment.

By prestontowers

I had been a teacher observing politics and the media from the outside for some time. I became a political insider, didn't like it much, and hightailed it back to watching it again. And still loving teaching.

17 replies on “Our Future in Poetry – Gina Rinehart”

In a perfect world I would like to think Gina has our countries best interests at heart, in reality I know it’s all about her making more money for herself and exploiting our mineral wealth. It’s all about Gina.

“To think property is created by waving a magic wand”. Gina, you did not create the property,nature did and buried it. You did not slave away against the odds, you inherited from another.

I see you don’t have a plus one button let me know when you decide to join the twenty first century. I might look you up again.

Lord that is not a good poem. Yikes “special economic zones” and “unleashing rampant tax”! Certainly I would never have thought of putting those word combinations in a poem. once again we see that money does not by good taste.

“embrace multiculturalism and welcome short term foreign workers to our shores”. Gina. Multiculturalism is about celebrating a diverse cultural heritage. Its not about granting foreign workers short term visas to work for below minimum wage in your special economic zones. Gina. You are an imbecile.

Why doesnt Gina just go and choke to death on a ham sandwich ! Imagine the poor kidnappers having to spend 2 weeks in a cellar with her, theyd probably commit suicide !

So Mr closet Gina fan, you remove posts which are not in favour of your view. I live in Germany and this kind of one sided political censorship was once very big here. Want to go that way eh ? After being back in Australia for the last 2 months I was able to get a quick impression of how the so called greatest nation on earth is doing. My impression, just the same. The people are as bigotted and stupid as ever. Fat miners, dead manufacturing industry, a nation living in the Pilbara until everything is used. Australia the big quarry, mmmm thats such a natural wonder. Wake up sleppers, tax the bastards to hell, or tell em to piss off and do it in Nigeria or somewhere else. Australia will be rich…..Bovine defacation !!!!

Sorry, I see you didnt delete. But my comments stand, Wake Australia up please. And get on the Coal seams back, dont poison the country.

That’s beautiful..I’m sobbing..bwahahahahahah.
Sorry (wiping tears of mirth) but I’m a bit of a cynic..

I thought I’d dig another hole today,
But $7’s a bit too much to pay,
I’m not allowed to use a megaton,
those late-sipping lefties spoil my fun

Eureka! I know just what I can do!
I’ll get a hundred-thousand slaves or two,
and when they’ve dug my pyramid below
We’ll ship’em off’n noon’ll ever know..etc etc..

Gina Gina you got it all wrong
You must stop chanting this ridiculous song.
Evolution will continue to unfold,
We must make a choice right now as to the values we hold. 
You think you solution is simple 
More people to work !
We need more than that 
To pay respect to the earth.
Put your money aside see whats is left,
Happiness and love suits all the rest.
You can dig in the ground, and dig again,
You think this be the solution for women and men?
Listen real hard to the voices of the first day,
There was no money, no media, no illusion at bay.
Listen again to see what you find,
The universe will speak if you just give it time.
Speaking of leaders …. Where have they all gone?
Are they all listening to your ridiculous song?
We need leaders to listen, leaders to lead
Not be affected by money and greed.
For the human to progress unity must be formed.
Remove ourself from lives where money is adored.
Get back to the basic ethics and values in life,
Move forward, be free from attachments and strife.

May all the world know true happiness 

Elizabeth Woods x 

There once was a magnate named Gina
who thought politics, she could make cleaner.
So she huffed and she puffed –
with her belly quite well stuffed
and now Aussie workers are all three pounds leaner.

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